EuroCup Women

EuroCup Women

Spar Girona, with international representation during the FIBA break

Spar Girona will be represented in various national teams during the FIBA break. Up to five players from the team have been called up to compete in international matches with their respective national teams. Migna Touré has been selected for the French national team, where she will contribute her experience and talent in the qualifying matches. Meanwhile, Klara Lundquist will represent Sweden, while Bobi Hristova will defend Bulgaria’s colors in their respective international commitments. As for the 3×3 format, Spar Girona will also have two players in action. Sandra Ygueravide …
EuroCup Women

The Crucial Role of Spar Girona’s Fans

If there’s one thing that makes Spar Girona truly special, beyond the talent of its players or the milestones achieved on the court, it’s the unwavering support of its fans. This unique connection between the team and the public transforms every game at Fontajau into an extraordinary experience, where the stands become a true additional player. One of the most emotional moments of this season occurred during the knockout round against Campobasso, a key duel in the EuroCup. That night, the bond between the players and the fans surpassed all …
EuroCup Women


Ivana Jakubcova has informed Uni Girona of the unilateral termination of the contract that tied her to our club. The Slovak player has exercised a contractual clause that allowed her to end her commitment after the EuroCup Women playoff. Pere Puig, Uni Girona’s sporting director, commented on the player’s departure: “Yesterday, Friday, Ivana Jakubcova exercised a clause in her contract that allowed her to terminate it, as long as it was after the date of the EuroCup Women playoff we just played. She has used this clause because she received …
EuroCup Women


Historic victory for Spar Girona in the EuroCup Women Round of 16. A near-impossible feat was needed, but Fontajau dressed up for another magical night. What a game. What a comeback. Spar Girona came out decisively from the very beginning to impose their rhythm. Only the offensive rebounding dominance of Pecs managed to intimidate Uni at times. However, by the end of the second quarter (42-28) and, above all, at the end of the game, the lead and the average clearly belonged to the Girona team (88-65). In the quarterfinals, …
EuroCup Women

Preview: Spar Girona vs Pecs

This Thursday at 7:30 PM (tickets available), Fontajau will witness one of the biggest challenges of the season for Uni Girona. After falling in Hungary 85-73 in the first leg, the Girona team will need to overcome a 12-point deficit against Pecs, who already showed their strength in the first match. Coach Roberto Íñiguez hasn’t hidden the complexity of the moment: “I think that in terms of resources and squad conditions, we are not in the best shape, that’s the reality. But we will try. I don’t know if we’ll …
EuroCup Women


Després de la derrota en el partit d’anada dels vuitens de final de l’EuroCup Women, Roberto Íñiguez va analitzar l’enfrontament. “Hem començat molt malament, i no és el primer cop. Hem fet un esforç molt gran per recuperar-nos, abusant de minuts de les jugadores. A partir d’aquí, la tònica ha estat molt igualada fins a l’últim quart. En l’últim quart, elles han estat millors, amb més energia i un joc dur. Sabíem que hi hauria permissivitat, però no hem pogut mantenir el nivell. L’últim quart és el que marca la …
EuroCup Women


L’Spar Girona no ha pogut sumar una victòria en la visita a Pecs, en un partit marcat per les irregularitats en el joc i els alts i baixos en el marcador. Les gironines han lluitat per mantenir-se dins del partit davant un rival intens i físic, però un parcial clau en el tram final de les locals ha decantat l’enfrontament a favor de les hongareses (85 a 73). De menys a més Mal inici a Hongria, on les gironines no s’han trobat còmodes ni en atac ni en defensa durant …
EuroCup Women


Després d’una derrota contra el Perfumerías Avenida a Fontajau, però amb la satisfacció d’haver tancat la primera volta de la Lliga Femenina com a líders, l’Spar Girona torna a la competició europea amb els vuitens de final de l’Eurocup. El rival serà el Pécs hongarès, un vell conegut de la fase de grups, on les gironines es van imposar en els dos enfrontaments, tot i que van ser duels molt ajustats. Aquest primer partit de l’eliminatòria es disputarà dijous a Hongria, mentre que la tornada es jugarà a Fontajau, un …
EuroCup Women

Un gener frenètic

El canvi d’any no altera res: l’Spar Girona afronta un mes de gener molt complicat, amb un total de set partits i diversos viatges. Les gironines inicien l’any amb el clàssic de la lliga, que es disputarà el 4 de gener. Tot seguit, viatgen a Hongria per jugar el partit d’anada dels vuitens de final (9 de gener). El 12 de gener, les jugadores de Roberto Íñiguez visiten el Celta en la jornada 16 de la lliga. Pocs dies després, tornen a enfrontar-se al Pecs per tancar els vuitens de …