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Derrota a Fontajau contra el Valencia

L’Spar Girona no ha pogut superar el València Basket en un enfrontament marcat per la polèmica. Sense Roberto Íñiguez des del segon quart i amb una diferència contundent al descans (37-55), les gironines han protagonitzat una gran segona part, arribant a situar-se a només tres punts (67-70). Tot i l’esforç, els atacs finals i algunes decisions han acabat donant la victòria a l’equip visitant per 80-88. Tot i que Touré va anotar el primer triple en la primera oportunitat del partit, el Valencia es va fer sòlid en defensa i …
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SPAR completes their homework in Madrid before the FIBA break

Impeccable victory for Spar Girona on the road at Movistar Estudiantes. The Girona team accelerated from the start, dominating the game from beginning to end to win 67-87. Migna Touré, with 22 points and crucial in breaking the game open in the third quarter, and Chloe Bibby, with 21 points, were the top scorers for the Uni. With this win, Roberto Íñiguez’s team secures their sixteenth success in the LF Endesa. 9/10 from the field at 4:20 The Girona team came out with determination and quickly pulled ahead thanks to …
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Roberto Íñiguez: “We need to play with more energy for longer periods”

Coach Roberto Íñiguez analyzed Uni’s defeat against Baxi Ferrol in a tight 72-70 game. In his remarks to the media, Íñiguez highlighted the lack of energy in many moments of the game and pointed out that the team was not at its best level, especially in defense. “We lacked energy for many minutes. I don’t know if we didn’t have it or if we lacked mental energy, but we were soft. They put the ball where they wanted, and defensively, we weren’t the team we usually are,” the coach expressed. …